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Edit Paper Sizes Dialog

Used to edit and add paper sizes to a printer driver configuration (.pltcfg) file.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Printer Driver Configuration dialog: on the Paper Sizes tab, select the Define paper sizes check box, select a paper size, and click the Edit button

Paper size name Used to define a name for the paper size.
Windows form name You can standardize the list of paper sizes returned by a Windows printer driver, even for drivers that do not support application-defined paper sizes. To do so, each paper size can include a Windows form name that maps to the actual Windows driver form name. For example, if your sheet definitions use ANSI A and ANSI B paper size names, but your Windows printer driver uses Letter and Tabloid, you can define ANSI A and ANSI B in the printer driver configuration file with their Windows form names set to Letter and Tabloid. The Print dialog displays ANSI A and ANSI B, but uses Letter and Tabloid when communicating with the operating system.
Overall paper size Used to indicate the overall physical size of the sheet, including the interior margins. Only paper sizes that are supported by the currently selected Windows printer are displayed in the Print dialog.
Left/bottom margins Used to set the left and bottom margins for the paper size.
Right/top margins Used to set the right and top margins for the paper size.
Units Used to set the units for the paper size.
  • Millimeters
  • Inches
Default print scale If selected and if a default print scale is specified, the Print dialog uses this scale when this paper size is selected.
Line weight scale If selected and if a line weight scale other than 1.0 is specified, all line widths are scaled by this factor when printing.
Line style scale If selected and if a line style scale other than 1.0 is specified, all line style patterns are scaled by this factor when printing.
Automatic rotation Used to indicate the direction in which printed output is automatically rotated.
  • Counter-clockwise
  • Clockwise
  • No automatic rotation — Used to disable automatic print rotation on a per-paper size basis. This may be useful when working with large paper sizes.
Is default paper size Used to indicate that this is the default paper size for the printer driver configuration file. Only one paper size should have this check box selected. If multiple or no paper sizes are selected as the default, the last paper size in the list on the Paper Sizes tab is used.